The Fascinating World of Asian Civet Cats: From Surgery to Coffee
What is THAT?! 🧐🤯 Not your average patient! Gili Island Vet Vlog.
Island Vets never know what unusual, unexpected, or completely bizarre animal will walk through their doors next! So here is an out of the extraordinary animal patient that will keep you guessing! Vet Dr Alison encounters her first Asian Civet cats that have been rescued from failed pet adoptions and the Kopi Luwak trade
Dr Alison also helps an adorable kitten who had an unfortunate accident involving a coconut tree and Barbie the Persian Cat makes a miraculous recovery after nearly losing her eye
Today’s patients are unlike any I’ve encountered before. They resemble a curious blend of raccoons, dogs, and cats, but they are actually two types of Asian Civets: Rocket, an Asian Palm Civet from Java, and Chewy, a Sumatran White Masked Palm Civet. These unique creatures have been rescued from failed adoptions and the controversial Kopi Luwak coffee trade. Join me as we delve into their world, from surgery to the intriguing origins of civet coffee… and yes these boys are in visiting the vet for castration today!
The Civet Patients
Rocket: The Javanese Explorer
Rocket, our Java-based Asian Palm Civet, exudes an air of mystery. He’s not mean; he’s just profoundly wary of humans. His distinctive appearance and cautious demeanor set him apart from typical patients.
Sedation is administered orally while Rocket remains in his cage, minimizing stress for both him and our veterinary staff. Unfortunately, the medicine doesn’t taste like strawberries or bananas—Chewy’s favorite flavors!
2. Chewy: The Sumatran Barking Civet!
Chewy, the Sumatran White Masked Palm Civet, is less cooperative. His barking protests reveal that he’s not fully sedated. A quick injection is needed to ensure a smooth procedure.
Civets like Chewy have become popular pets during the pandemic, leading to a surge in breeders across Indonesia. However, they’re expensive to care for, and many end up abandoned or released in non-native habitats.
Surgery and Recovery
Prepping Rocket
Rocket’s front leg is clipped, allowing us to place an IV line for fluid support and medication during surgery. He’s then shaved and prepped for anesthesia.
A heat pad keeps Rocket warm during the procedure, while close monitoring ensures his safety.
Chewy’s Surgical Adventure
Chewy’s surgery also goes smoothly, his breathing and heart rate are monitored closely during the procedure. He has impressively large teeth!
After surgery, both civets receive pain relief and wake up gradually. Chewy rests in his familiar cage, feeling secure.
The Curious Case of Civet Coffee and Exotic perfumes!
Kopi Luwak: Also known as civet coffee, this Indonesian delicacy is one of the world’s most expensive brews.
Origins: Civets play a crucial role in its production. They consume coffee cherries, digest the outer layer, and excrete the beans. These beans are then collected, cleaned, and roasted.
Ethical Concerns: Historically, wild civets were the source of these beans. However, intensive farming methods now confine civets to cages, where they’re force-fed coffee cherries.
Civet Musk: Rocket is a stinky boy! But did you know that Civet musk was a highly prized ingredient in perfumes?! It used to be traded with Zanzibar, Egypt and India!
Ethical Concerns: Synthetic musk has replaced civet musk in perfumes due to ethical considerations.
From surgery tables to coffee plantations, civets continue to captivate our curiosity. As we care for Rocket and Chewy, we’re reminded of our responsibility to protect all species of animals and ensure their welfare!
Make sure you watch the full story on You Tube, they are fascinating animals!
A Day in the Life of a Vet on the Gili Islands
Welcome to the Gili Islands in Indonesia, a tiny archipelago that is only accessible by boat where cats rule the sandy streets. Join Dr Alison, a slightly cat crazy veterinarian from New Zealand, and her intrepid husband Graham, where we help out the local vet clinic, Luni Lombok, an animal charity dedicated to caring for the strays and street cats
Animal Rescues, Cute Kittens, and Cat-astrophes!
Welcome to the Gili Islands: Where Cats Rule
The Gili Islands in Indonesia are a tiny archipelago, accessible only by boat, where cats roam the sandy streets. Dr. Alison, a slightly cat-crazy veterinarian from New Zealand, and her intrepid husband Graham, assist the local vet clinic, Luni Lombok, an animal charity dedicated to caring for the strays and street cats. Together, they make a difference for all the animals on islands where a cat ambulance and public transport are unlike anything you’ve seen before!
Today, we’re on Gili Meno, one island away from the Luni Lombok vet clinic. The cats here need care too, so we’ve brought cages, tables, surgical supplies, and medications for a week-long pop-up clinic.
TNR Clinic: Managing a Stray Population
Hundreds of cats on Gili Meno face overpopulation without neutering. Our TNR (trap neuter return) clinic is a humane solution. A team of cat catchers brings cats to the clinic in cages on the back of bicycles! Each cat, whether a friendly ‘Cupcake’ or a grumpy ‘Chili’, is desexed and also receives vaccinations, and treatment for wounds or parasites. We ensure all surgical patients are comfortable and manage any complications.
After a busy morning desexing more than 14 cats, we enjoy lunch from a local warung, delivered by bike. We then check some kittens who face concerns about panleukopenia, a contagious virus causing vomiting and diarrhea. Vaccination is crucial, as seen in New Zealand, where this disease is rare thanks to widespread vaccination practices.
Patient Stories: Siro and Moritz
We meet Siro, a white cat with a severe skin infection, and later, his best friend Moritz. Siro, diagnosed with Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome, was in such distress with a condition causing him to continuously claw at his face. Now he begins treatment for a better life and makes a miraculous recovery. His musical purr and antics chasing Moritz around the clinic was a truly heartwarming thing to be a part of. He has even become the new clinic manager, after being adopted by the Luni Lombok clinic who wanted to ensure he had ongoing treatment and care. Now he just needs to grow back the fur we had to shave!!
Reflections at Sunset
As the day ends, we reflect on the fulfillment of helping Gili Meno’s cats. Volunteering creates a significant impact on the lives of animals and people, fostering lifelong friendships.
Vet Around The World is on a mission to bring veterinary care to pets (and people) who struggle to access a vet because of limited finances or resources.
YOU Can Help Too…simply head to our You Tube channel and watch some videos, we are trying to build our channel so that we ear enough money from our videos to continue volunteering for animal charities. Even more help is to like, and subscribe and comment on the videos!
Subscribe to our newsletter, and follow our You Tube channel for more adventures - you do not want to miss the upcoming Gili Trewangan episode where we care for a kitten injured by a falling coconut, and encounter some strange looking creatures that seem to be half badger and half cat…
A veterinarian’s dream job…
A veterinarians dream job! Sailing the world to exotic tropical locations, and volunteering to help save cats in dogs in desperate need of veterinary care.
In my last post, I introduced you to Paulo, a sailor turned animal rescuer in Coron Island, Philippines. Today, I want to share how Paulo’s journey has inspired me to continue pursuing my dream of providing veterinary care to animals and their carers who struggle to access veterinary services.
Animal Rescue
During my visit to Paulo’s houseboat, we had many conversations about our shared passion for animals. Paulo’s dedication to helping the animals of Coron Island, despite the lack of resources and support, deeply moved me. It reminded me that every little bit of help counts and that we can make a significant difference in the lives of these animals.
After leaving Coron Island, I will myself in the Gili Islands in Indonesia, working with an organization that brings vets from different countries to volunteer. We arere conducting a trap-neuter-release (TNR) program, getting cats neutered and treated. Knowing the impact of this work, I couldn’t help but think about how useful it would be if we could set up something similar in Coron Island.
Sick cat Greece, in desperate need of veterinary care.
Imagine if we could connect with logistics, find a location, set up tables, and get medication. I believe many vets would be willing to come here and spend a week or two, doing what needs to be done for the animals. This would be a game-changer for places like Coron Island, where there are 7000 islands and veterinary services are a problem everywhere.
I shared this dream with Paulo, and he was excited about the idea. He admitted that he didn’t have any experience in this area and that he started his rescue work only two years ago. But he was eager to learn and believed that this could help solve many problems, such as setting up an adoption program, facilitating international adoptions, and organizing vaccinations.
Meeting Paulo and seeing his dedication to helping animals has further encouraged me to pursue my dream. I know this journey will have its challenges, including dealing with visas, medical supplies, logistics, and accommodation. But as Paulo says, if everyone does a little bit to help, then the world will be a better place.
Help Save the Animals
So, if you want to help the animals, please consider adopting your next fur family member, volunteering for an animal rescue, or showing street dogs and cats some love. And if you ever find yourself in the Philippines, consider booking a stay at Paolyn Houseboats. Not only will you have a unique experience, but you’ll also be supporting Paulo’s incredible work.
Watch the full episode with Paulo documenting his incredible travel stories and see the amazing work he does for the animals and the people of the Philippines over on our You Tube channel.
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